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Public Service Today Quiz

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Political Science
University of Miami
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The Professional Edge: Competencies for Public Service
Review Sheet
Chapter 1
1. Provide one example of how either Joshua, Maria, or Regina has found
themselves poorly prepared for their current job assignment due to a shift
from the old public service to the new public service. (p. 34)
Joshua Bennett’s lack of on-the-job training focusing on new technology has proven to be
a hindrance to the performance of his tasks because the introduction of E-government
means that his skillset does not cut it unless he gets the proper training to be able to use
tech tools in his work. The absence of these tech tools has further frustrated his efforts to
perform properly.
2. How do companies use competency modeling? (p. 5)
Companies use competency modeling to ensure that the workforce is well prepared and
skilled to perform tasks. Companies have to gauge if this competency is considered
innate or if it is something that can be learnt. For the former, organizations just have to
recruit people with these individual skills but they can offer training for those that skills
that are considered teachable.
3. Explain the “train versus hire” dilemma. (p. 5)
This dilemma is brought about by the understanding of the concept of competence. In
that, whereas some companies will believe that they have to hire new employees with
pre-existing skillsets there are others that will invest in on-the-job training of the existing
staff because they believe that these skills are transferrable.
4. How do government agencies use competencies? How do competencies apply
to public servants? (p. 6)
Just like any other organization, government agencies make use of competencies to hire,
train and appraise. Competencies are applicable to all public servants in that they have to
perform and excel in their duties and tasks which require technical knowhow, ethics and
leadership traits.
5. What are the five competence areas with regards to public managers? (p. 6)
Public managers are subjected to the following competence areas; task competence,
professional competence in subject area and administration, political competence, and
ethical competence.
6. What is the focus of political competence, value competence, instrumental
competence, and ethical competence? (p. 7)
The focus of political competence is on power. That of value competence is on ideology
and the interests of public managers, and for instrumental competence it is based on who

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has what power. In conclusion, ethical competence has everything to do with moral
7. What changes in the external environment have affected the delivery of
public services? (p. 8)
Just like any other organization, the government’s ability to provide any services is
curtailed by the political ambience, agenda setting by the media, demographics and even
natural factors. Political tensions remain a hindering factor the provision of public
services, or any other service for that matter.
8. What changes in the internal environment have affected the delivery of
public services? (p. 8)
Privatization of public service, alongside increased mobility and the devolution from
federal to state/ local governments and even to nonprofits and private organizations has
changed how public services are rendered and delivered.
9. Identify six key characteristics of today’s constantly changing public service
workplace. (p. 9)
i. Much more decentralized and flatter organizational hierarchies.
ii. More temporary employment terms.
iii. Increase in outsourcing and subcontracting rather than whole in-house
iv. A lot of retrenchment of permanent staff.
v. Unionizing and collective bargaining of these united groups
vi. Virtual organizations.
10. What elements are fueling the shift from the old public service to the new
public service? (p. 910)
Public service is no longer viewed as just a role of the government alone. This is largely
due to the interconnectedness and partnering with nonprofits and privat organizations.
This dynamic, coupled with the high mobility and sector switching of employees have all
been contributing factors to the rapid shift towards the new public service.
11. Today’s public service requires competence in what three areas? (p. 10)
Competence in public service is of utmost importance in the technical knowhow and
application, the application of ethics and values and in leadership behavior.
12. Despite this recent shift in public service, the primary purpose has remained
the same. Name this primary purpose and provide an example. (p. 1013)
The main purpose of public service remains to be the maintenance and improvement of
the well-being of the people despite the shift in how it is rendered. For instance,

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The Professional Edge: Competencies for Public Service Review Sheet Chapter 1 1. Provide one example of how either Joshua, Maria, or Regina has found themselves poorly prepared for their current job assignment due to a shift from the old public service to the new public service. (p. 3–4) Joshua Bennett’s lack of on-the-job training focusing on new technology has proven to be a hindrance to the performance of his tasks because the introduction of E-government means that his skillset does not cut it unless he gets the proper training to be able to use tech tools in his work. The absence of these tech tools has further frustrated his efforts to perform properly. 2. How do companies use competency modeling? (p. 5) Companies use competency modeling to ensure that the workforce is well prepared and skilled to perform tasks. Companies have to gauge if this competency is considered innate or if it is something that can be learnt. For the former, organizations just have to recruit people with these individual skills but they can offer training for those that skills that are considered teachable. 3. Explain the “train versus hire” dilemma. (p. 5) This dilemma is brought about by the understanding of the concept of competence. In that, whereas some companies will believe that they have to hire new employees with pre-existing skillsets there are others that will invest in on-the-job training of the existing staff because they believe that these skills are transferrable. 4. How do ...
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