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Operation Management Week 7

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Saudi electronic university
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Operation and Management
Institution Affiliation
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Question 1
Manufacturing industries work with the primary objective of converting the raw materials
into final products that the consumer can readily consume or use. Paper industries aren't exempted
from this core goal of the industrial manufacturing and processing companies. Therefore, they
follow almost the same design layout procedure.
Production planning. At this stage, the management has a role or task with a duty to engage other
personnel in the process of obtaining the raw material, checking on the distance of the site,
transportation cost, and other facilities that may be used in the process of production. However, it
is the role of the manager to ma decides the success of the organization. This depends on the
objectives and the goals of the organization, Wu & Pagell, (2011)
Production control, at this level of production, the managers have a role in overseeing the
processes of production and monitoring all the operation and the activities that are taking place in
the process. Managers again have a role in obtaining high-quality work that will satisfy the
customers and still retain them. Achievement of the scope of the business lies in the production
Decision making process. Decision somehow plays a significant role in the production and
management at large. Some of the key points to note at this level of decision making as per
processing is concerned are as follows;
The group targeted, it is essential to check the specific kind of people that will use your product.
This population will be characterized by the social class, gender, and age that will continuously
use the products.

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Running head: OPERATION MANAGEMENT Operation and Management Institution Affiliation Students Name Tutor Date 1 OPERATION MANAGEMENT 2 Question 1 Manufacturing industries work with the primary objective of converting the raw materials into final products that the consumer can readily consume or use. Paper industries aren't exempted from this core goal of the industrial manufacturing and processing companies. Therefore, they follow almost the same design layout procedure. Production planning. At this stage, the management has a role or task with a duty to engage other personnel in the process of obtaining the raw material, checking on the distance of the site, transportation cost, and other facilities that may be used in the process of production. However, it is the role of the manager to ma decides the success of the organization. This depends on the objectives and the goals of the organization, Wu & Pagell, (2011) Production control, at this level of production, the managers have a role in overseeing the processes of production and monitoring all the operation and the activities that are taking place in the process. Managers again have a role in obtaining high-quality work that will satisfy the customers and still retain them. Achievement of the scope of the business lies in the production process. Decision making process. Decision somehow plays a significant role in the production and management at large. Some of the key points to note at this level of decision making ...
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I was having a hard time with this subject, and this was a great help.


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