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Lab 03

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C Programming
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1. List of employees displayed in a Data Grid View when the form loads.
2. The first button displays the second form with Employee table in a Details view control
when clicked.

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3. The second button sorts the data in ascending order by hourly pay rate when clicked.
4. The third button sorts the data in descending order by hourly pay rate when clicked.

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1. List of employees displayed in a Data Grid View when the form loads. 2. The first button displays the second form with Employee table in a Details view control when clicked. 3. The second button sorts the data in ascending order by hourly pay rate when clicked. 4. The third button sorts the data in descending order by hourly pay rate when clicked. 5. User can search for a name from the Employee table and displays any rows that contain a full or partial match of the specified name in the text box. 6. The fourth button displays a message indicating the highest (maximum) pay rate in the table using a Message Box. 7. The fifth button displays a message indicating the lowest (minimum) pay rate in the table using a Message Box. 8. The sixth button resets the DataGridView control to display the entire contents of the dataset and clears the text box for the name search. 9. The last button exits application Name: Lab 03 Description: 1. List of employees displayed in a Data Grid View when the form loads. 2. The first button displays the second form with Employee table in a Details ... ...
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