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Clinical Field Experience C

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Clinical Field Experience C
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Clinical Field Experience C
Reading/literacy specialists collaborate and engage parents and families of students to
promote their literacy. From the experience, the literacy specialist in the classroom I observed
utilized communication methods such as sending emails and letters to parents informing them of
the student’s performance and progress. The letters are returned to school signed by the parent.
The literacy specialist works with the school and instructors. For communication on activities
such as the Family Literacy Nights, the message is sent to parents via a letter, one week before
the night of the activity and phone calls to all contacts in the classroom’s list. Early and clear
communication provides time for preparation. The instructor also provided the parents with
resources such as websites they can use to find information on literacy.
In future professional practice, some strategies for engaging and communicating with the
family I would use include sending text messages to parents on various activities to be held at
school. I would also use calls to ensure I have communicated, posting on the school website
about upcoming events such as literacy nights, and email. The messages are sent daily to the
parents and they are required to respond (The Center for Comprehensive School Reform and
Improvement, n.d). The parent will be engaged through continuous communication from the
teacher. I plan to communicate with parents daily in my future practice. I will be open and honest
when communicating and share both the student’s positives and negatives. Other strategies
include selecting a particular strategy to communicate with all parents that will enhance their
subscription to the method thus personalizing for each parent or group of parents. I will also
establish good relationships with the parents to build trust and also among other specialists. IU
will also share information that the parent can act upon for instance information on an upcoming

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RUNNING HEAD: CLINICAL FIELD EXPERIENCE C Clinical Field Experience C Student’s name: Course: Date of Submission: 1 CLINICAL FIELD EXPERIENCE C 2 Clinical Field Experience C Reading/literacy specialists collaborate and engage parents and families of students to promote their literacy. From the experience, the literacy specialist in the classroom I observed utilized communication methods such as sending emails and letters to parents informing them of the student’s performance and progress. The letters are returned to school signed by the parent. The literacy specialist works with the school and instructors. For communication on activities such as the Family Literacy Nights, the message is sent to parents via a letter, one week before the night of the activity and phone calls to all contacts in the classroom’s list. Early and clear communication provides time for preparation. The instructor also provided the parents with resources such as websites they can use to find information on literacy. In future professional practice, some strategies for engaging and communicating with the family I would use include sending text messages to parents on various activities to be held ...
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Excellent resource! Really helped me get the gist of things.
