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Module 05 Written Assignment - Disorders Worksheet
Download the Disorders Worksheet (below) and complete the tables with information from your
readings, additional research, and the course information. You may find it helpful to complete
the worksheet as you do the readings for this Module. Be sure to list your references in APA
format at the end of the worksheet.
Module 05 Written Assignment - Disorders Worksheet
Instructions: For each disorder in the tables below, identify the major symptoms and
characteristics. Feel free to refer to your readings and course materials. Be sure to list your
references in APA format.
Anxiety Disorders
Major Symptoms/Characteristics
Generalized Anxiety
It is characterized by restlessness; constant worry and an
individual has difficulties concentrating. People with this
condition tend to overthink, are indecisive, and perceive events
as threatening (American Psychiatric Association 2013).
Individuals experience extreme fear that is also irrational about
an object, a place, a situation or a living creature. Individuals
find themselves unable to perform when exposed to the triggers
and may exhibit physical symptoms such as sweating, trembling,
and abnormal breathing (Grob, 2019).
Specific Phobia
It is marked with intense as well as persistent fears of specific
situations or objects that are usually not proportional to the actual

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risks (Grob, 2019). There are physical reactions as well as
sensation such as rapid heartbeat, sweating, tight chest.
Social Phobia
People with social phobia have an intense and persistent fear of
being judged by others, rejected during social performances or
being negatively evaluated by other people (Grob, 2019). Other
symptoms include an intense fear of interacting with strangers,
avoiding situations where one is the center of attention.
Individuals may also exhibit physical symptoms such as
trembling, sweating, muscle tension, lightheadedness nausea and,
fast heartbeat.
The typical symptom for agoraphobia is developing anxiety in
situations where they think they will not be able to escape (Grob,
2019). It is characterized by fear of crowded places, open spaces
such as a parking lot or closed spaces such as an elevator.
Individuals with this phobia also fear using public transport.
Panic Disorder
It is majorly characterized by recurrent unexpected panic attacks.
Individuals with this disorder have sudden periods that are
marked with intense fear such as shaking, shortness of breath,
sweating, and numbness (Grob, 2019).
It is characterized by recurrent thoughts or behaviours that the
person feels the urge of doing over and over (American
Psychiatric Association 2013). Individuals with this condition
exhibit fear of contamination and prefer to have things lined up

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Module 05 Written Assignment - Disorders Worksheet Download the Disorders Worksheet (below) and complete the tables with information from your readings, additional research, and the course information. You may find it helpful to complete the worksheet as you do the readings for this Module. Be sure to list your references in APA format at the end of the worksheet. Module 05 Written Assignment - Disorders Worksheet Instructions: For each disorder in the tables below, identify the major symptoms and characteristics. Feel free to refer to your readings and course materials. Be sure to list your references in APA format. Anxiety Disorders Major Symptoms/Characteristics Generalized Anxiety It is characterized by restlessness; constant worry and an Disorder individual has difficulties concentrating. People with this condition tend to overthink, are indecisive, and perceive events as threatening (American Psychiatric Association 2013). Phobias Individuals experience extreme fear that is also irrational about an object, a place, a situation or a living creature. Individuals find themselves unable to perform when exposed to the triggers and may exhibit physical symptoms such as sweating, trembling, and abnormal breathing (Grob, 2019). Specific Phobia It is marked with intense as well as persistent fears of specific situations or objects that are usually not proportional to the actual risks (Grob, 2019). There are physical reactions as well as sensation such as rapid heartb ...
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