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Wide Performance Improvement Process.edited Cvb

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Health & Medical
Herzing University
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Wide Performance Improvement Process
Student’s Name
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Quality improvement programs concentrate on activities that are developed to analyze,
monitor, and enhance the quality of procedures to ensure that the healthcare outcomes in an
organization are improved. By analyzing and gathering data in the essential sectors, a healthcare
organization has the capabilities of implementing change. The change is achieved through the
use of different quantitative and qualitative methods. Today, more than ever, the government has
introduced methods like reimbursement that will improve the healthcare services that are
accorded to patients more than the procedures that are undertaken.
The Importance of Quality Improvement Programs to Healthcare
The key idea of enhancement is that at the time when a system is still unchanged with
time, there is a possibility for the development of better results than the ones that have been
created already. Bringing change into the system is essential for the facilitation of success at
another personal level. The ineffective segments of the system are substituted with new
developments that have evidence of being worthy. Bergerum et al. (2019) stipulate that both
patients and caregivers have the role of coming up with strategies that will assist in minimizing
expenditures, while they enhance quality.
Question One
The lifeline of any healthcare facility or system is information. Healthcare information
and refining of its availability is essential in enlightening the effectiveness and efficacy of the
modern healthcare system (Roberts et al., 2020). The Congress voted into law the Health
Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH), to assist in the
improvement of the use and the espousal of the health Information Technology (Institute of
Medicine, 2016). The HITECH legislation made it possible for the Centers for Medicare &

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Running head: WIDE PERFORMANCE IMPROVEMENT PROCESS Wide Performance Improvement Process Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation 1 WIDE PERFORMANCE IMPROVEMENT PROCESS 2 Introduction Quality improvement programs concentrate on activities that are developed to analyze, monitor, and enhance the quality of procedures to ensure that the healthcare outcomes in an organization are improved. By analyzing and gathering data in the essential sectors, a healthcare organization has the capabilities of implementing change. The change is achieved through the use of different quantitative and qualitative methods. Today, more than ever, the government has introduced methods like reimbursement that will improve the healthcare services that are accorded to patients more than the procedures that are undertaken. The Importance of Quality Improvement Programs to Healthcare The key idea of enhancement is that at the time when a system is still unchanged with time, there is a possibility for the development of better results than the ones that have been created already. Bringing change into the system is essential for the facilitation of success at another personal level. The ineffective segments of the system are substituted with new developments that have evidence of being worthy. Bergerum et al. (2019) stipulate that both patients and caregivers have the role of coming up with strategies that will assist in minimizing expenditures, while they enhance quality. Question One The lifeline o ...
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