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Gonorrhea is a physically sent disease

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Gonorrhea is a physically sent disease (STI) brought about by the bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeae.
This normal STI will in general objective warm, damp region of the body, including the:
urethra, or cylinder that channels pee from the bladder
female regenerative plot, which incorporates the fallopian cylinders, cervix, and uterus
Gonorrhea can influence individuals of all ages or orientation, however it's especially commonTrusted
Source among teenagers and youthful grown-ups between the ages of 15 and 24.
Untreated gonorrhea can prompt long haul wellbeing concerns and, sometimes, barrenness. However,
treatment with anti-microbials can fix the disease and assist with bringing down your possibilities
encountering unexpected issues.

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Gonorrhea is a physically sent disease (STI) brought about by the bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeae. This normal STI will in general objective warm, damp region of the body, including the: urethra, or cylinder that channels pee from the bladder eyes throat vagina butt female regenerative plot, which ...
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