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War Of 1812

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Grand Canyon University
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War of 1812
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WAR OF 1812 2
War of 1812
The war was initiated by actions between the Americans and the British. What led to the
declaration of war was how the British army continued to take the seamen on America ships to
enlist them in the British Army. The British captured 400 American merchant ships en route to
Europe, they forced the American men to become part of the British Army and forfeit their
American citizenry (USS Constitution Museum, 2020). The British captured the American
merchant ships by using the Order-in-Council, which angered Americans. Moreover, the British
refused to trade with the US. The British ordered that for Americans to trade with European
countries, they had to pay for approval from the British. As a result, America declared war on
Britain through Senate and Congress’s approval after the request of President James Madison.
Instead of fighting with the British overseas, the US thought it would be better to invade Canada
and use it as their new territory.
The first outcome of the war involved the loss of land by the Native Indians near Detroit.
It ended the revolts by Native Indians against American troops (Carson & Bonk, 1999). The
second outcome was America proved to the world it was going to remain independent. This
ensured the peaceful coexistence between America and the British through the Treaty of Ghent.
It also meant that boundaries between America and Canada had to be distinct limiting any
expansions by Canadians or Americans. The way the 1812 war contributed to the creation of an
American Identity is it unified all people in America to fight as one for peace (Black, 2012). For
instance, most of Congress and Senate passed the declaration of war. It was through this war that
America established its principles of liberty. It proved the positive experience of the nation to
stand for what is right in achieving freedom. Through the 1812 war, America showed it was not

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Running Head: WAR OF 1812 1 War of 1812 Student Name Institutional Affiliation WAR OF 1812 2 War of 1812 The war was initiated by actions between the Americans and the British. What led to the declaration of war was how the British army continued to take the seamen on America ships to enlist them in the British Army. The British captured 400 American merchant ships en route to Europe, they forced the American men to become part of the British Army and forfeit their American citizenry (USS Constitution Museum, 2020). The British captured the American merchant ships by using the Order-in-Council, which angered Americans. Moreover, the British refused to trade with the US. The British ordered that for Americans to trade with European countries, they had to pay for approval from the British. As a result, America declared war on Britain through Senate and Congress’s approval after the request of President James Madison. Instead of fighting with the British overseas, the US thought it would be better to invade Canada and use it as their new territory. The first outcome of the war involved the loss of land by the Native Indians near Detroit. It ended the revolts by Native Indians ...
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