Discussion question and reply to 2 peers
Question Description
A motion to change venue is one of many motions that may be filed before trial in a criminal case. A change of venue motion seeks to have the trial held in a different location. The motion may be filed by either the prosecuting attorney or the defense attorney.
Using the Nexis Uni resource database through the Shapiro Library portal, locate a criminal court case involving a motion for a change of venue in your home state or another state of your choosing.
In your initial post, state who brought the motion for change of venue. Explain in detail the reasons why he or she wanted the venue changed and state whether or not the judge granted the change of venue.
In response to your peers, state whether you agree or disagree with the judges’ rulings regarding change of venue in the cases that the students have described. Defend your position.
The Justice Studies Guide from the module resources will help you get started with research by providing links to library resources specific to justice studies, including criminal justice.
To complete this assignment, review the Discussion Rubric document.
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