Writing an essay ( Rhetorical Analysis of 3 Advertisement)

timer Asked: Mar 7th, 2019

Question Description

I need an essay depending on the followings.

1.All my 4 ads should fit one of the fallacies that i attached. ( first body paragraph)

2.Show the similarity between ads by depending on one of each ( pathos, logos, ethos) ( second body paragraph)

3.your thoughts and ideas that show smiliarty between all these 4 ads ( Third paragraph)


Attached is my fallacies , and my three ads that i have to write essay about

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Rhetorical Analysis of 3 Advertisements We have conducted an analysis of printed ads. You have examined argument goals and the persuasive strategies used to sell a product. While reviewing Logical Fallacies you have learned how it is possible to create persuasive appeals that defy logical reasoning. While reviewing Needs and Values you have learned how advertisements convince us their products are necessary. And while reviewing various advertisements you have learned to identify tricks and gimmicks designed to persuade the casual observer. Be sure to revisit these same points of discussion in your analysis of three ads that share similar argument goals and or persuasive strategies even though they are not selling the same products. Also include an analysis of how the common strategies used in your ads relate to their overall persuasive appeal. You will be required to find points of similarity and explain how the ads relate to each other in a rhetorical context. Remember that the ads cannot be for the same products. You must compare printed ads for products that are completely different from each other. Include a printed copy of your advertisements with your essay. 3 pages MLA Formatted A works cited page must be included :71 Logical Fallacies Hasty Generalization- A quick judgment made of people, places or things without giving full thought Faulty Use of Authority- When someone who is unqualified is cited as an expert whose advice is used to support an argument. Someone that works at a movie theater must know everything about all movies. An actor who plays a doctor on TV is used to advertise medication. Post Hoc- When the first of two unrelated events is blamed as the cause of the second. Joan is scratched by a cat, two days later she comes down with a fever. Joan concludes that the cat's scratch caused her illness. False Analogy- Taking two situations and comparing them to prove a point, when in reality they have very little in common. Children are like dogs, they need to be strongly disciplined and housebroken. Ad Hominem- It is attacking someone personally versus arguing about the present issue. An obese patient attacks his/her doctor for giving advice on dieting because the doctor is obese himself. I hate Chris Brown's songs because he did violence to Rihanna. Attacking someone's sexuality when it does not pertain to the issue at hand. False Dilemma- Simplification of a complex issue into an “either-or" scenario. False reduction of choices to just 2 (one of which is usually unacceptable) when there are other choices. Slippery Slope- • Predicting without justification that one step in a process will lead unavoidably to a second, generally undesirable step. A relatively small first step inevitably leads to a chain of related events culminating in some significant impact. If you give an inch, they'll take a mile. Begging the Question- If the writer makes a statement that assumes that the very question being argued has already been proven. Women are unfit for the military because they can't handle physical combat situations. Straw Man- When a person simply ignores a person's actual position and substitutes a distorted, exaggerated or misrepresented version of that position. Attacking the opponent's argument in an exaggerated form. Two Wrongs Make a Right- Calling your opponent's faults into question without addressing your own. Because JFK had an affair it is okay that Clinton had one. . Non Sequitur- A conclusion or statement that does not logically follow from the previous argument or statement. If someone is a vegetarian, they obviously hate carnivores Ad Populum- The fact that the majority of citizens support the death penalty proves that it is morally right. Someone telling their teacher that they don't deserve an F on their paper for cheating because everyone in the class was cheating. Appeal to Tradition- This fallacy relies on people's trouble adapting to change. Faulty Emotional Appeals- Invokes an emotional response from a person which clouds their rational judgment and causes them to overlook key facts. A criminal has been diagnosed with cancer and therefore should not have to be tried for his crimes. When emotions are used in place of evidence. Smart Girl! She helps him... keep brushless with Barbasol Good Will toward any man is 2. Barbasol Skin Refresher (feels nicely expressed with a gift of fine, smells swell); and 3. Barbasol smoother, easier shaves. In the Lotion Deodorant (stops Athletic Barbasol GIFT BOX he gets: 1. The Arona" with no muss, no goo). world's most popular shave cream See how smart you can be for (no brush, no lather, no rub-in); only a dollar at any drug store! HOLIDAY COMING UP: The wife most likely to be kissed... And she buys it in glass bottles... No-Deposit bottles you don't take back. Every woman deserves at least one dream that comes true 2 Diamonds in their own diamond-shaped settings enhance the beauty of this 17-jewel watch. Miss Liberty. Also in yellow. $49.50. BULOVA DIAMOND WATCHES from $4950 4 Diamonds curve into lover's knots on either side of this 23-jewel watch. La Petite. Also in yellow. $85. 22 Diamonds rim the dial and form two brilliant sprays at either side of this 14K gold, 17-jewel watch. Marquise. $225. YOU CAN BE PROUD OF THAT BULOVA DIFFERENCE Watches shown include Federal Tax. Other Bulova watches priced from $24.75 to $2500. NISSAN Innovation that excites MICRA #Micra Attitude NEW NISSAN MICRA WITH INTELLIGENT KEY. GO GET IT.
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