My Finest classs

timer Asked: Mar 12th, 2019

Question Description

Hi I have my Finest class project to do I want you do it very well its very importnat for me. Please follow every single to follow every single thing in a document. I want you please to show work for it.

Can you please tell me in advance what company you going to use to collect data so i can have my professor approval before you start working in the assignment.

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SAN DIEGO STATE UNIVERSITY College of Business Administration FIN 321 (Managerial Economics) Project Introduction The Primary goal of the project is for students to gain comfort in using statistical software packages to conduct an empirical analysis of a particular firm. Specific goals are for students to (1) become familiar with sources of economic and financial information and in particular the Wharton Research Data Services (WRDS) Database, (2) practice their writing skills, (3) develop hands on, statistical estimation and modeling skills using excel (e.g., data analysis, regression analysis). The project is an individual assignment and late submissions will not be accepted. Please provide explanations for answers to all questions. Background material: Chapter 4, 5 in McGuigan, Moyer and Harris PLEASE FIRST SELECT PUBLIC COMPANY TO ANALYZE. USING YOUR WEB BROWSER, ANSWER ALL OF THE QUESTIONS THAT FOLLOW FOR THAT PARTICULAR COMPANY. THE CHOICE OF COMPANY IS UP TO YOU. BUT, PLEASE EMAIL ME TO LET ME KNOW OF YOUR SELECTION AND MAKE SURE THAT YOU HAVE ENOUGH DATA TO ANSWER ALL OF THE QUESTIONS. COMPANY SELECTION IS FIRST COME FIRST SERVE. IT IS A GOOD IDEA TO KEEP THREE OR FOUR COMPANIES IN MIND BECAUSE YOU ARE TO FIND A COMPANY THAT HAS ENOUGH PUBLICALLY AVAILABLE DATA TO ANSWER EACH QUESTION. THERE IS NO NEED TO INCLUDE DATA OR SPECIFIC PROGRAMS USED TO ANSWER QUESTIONS, BUT, IN ALL YOUR RESPONSES, PLEASE INCLUDE EXPLANATIONS OF STEPS CARRIED OUT. IT IS OKAY TO WORK WITH OTHER PEOPLE, BUT YOUR EXPLANATIONS SHOULD BE IN YOUR OWN WORDS. 1. Data collection from WRDS database Using your web browser, please go to the WRDS URL ( and collect data on the variables for the risk free rate, small minus big, high minus low, and the excess market return for the firm your selected. When you collect the data, please select the monthly frequency and the range spanning from 1980 through 2017. Using your class notes and the descriptions provided by WRDS, please provide a brief description of each variable included in the study. Please save these variables in an excel spreadsheet. Please download and save stock prices for your firm spanning the same period and at the monthly frequency. Please compute stock price returns as the ratio of the change in the stock price for each period with respect to the previous period to the value in the previous period This will serve as the base case from which we will complete the rest of the project. 2. Regression Analysis For this question, you will need the data analysis tool pack in excel, please download it to your version of excel for your operating system before answering the questions listed below. a. Please, separately, determine the estimated regression line for a regression with the stock return as the dependent variable and the following list as independent variables: a. Excess market return b. Small minus big c. High minus low b. Please determine the estimated regression line with the stock return as the dependent variable and the risk free rate, excess market return, small minus big, and high minus low as the independent variables in one single regression model. c. Which regression coefficients are statistically significant? Is the overall model significant? d. What is the adjusted R-squared for the model? How does it compare to the adjusted Rsquared for each model estimated in a? Is your answer to part b different from your answers to part a? Why or Why not? 3. Forecasting a. Using only data covering the period 1980 through 2000, please determine the estimated regression line with the stock return as the dependent variable and the risk free rate, excess market return, small minus big, and high minus low as the independent variables in one single regression model. b. Please use the model to predict stock price return from 2001 to 2017 and compute the root mean squared error using the deviation between the actual stock price return over this period and the model-predicted stock price return over the same period. 4. Discussion Using your web browser and your own judgement and your class notes, please interpret and discuss the strength of the relationship between stock price returns for your firm and each of the three variables. In particular, please consider whether or not you think that the three variables do a good job in explaining and predicting stock returns for your firm. Please also explain why you think the model produced all results from questions 2 and 3 that it did.
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