Research paper

timer Asked: Mar 17th, 2019

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Using any of the topic write paper for 1500 word

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Instructor: Dr. N. LeGier Final Draft Due April 5, 2019 Students are required to submit a fifteen-hundred-word research paper as part of their final mark for this course. This paper will be marked in two parts: a rough draft (10%) and a final draft (25%). The final draft will not be marked and the student will receive an automatic zero on the assignment if he/she does not submit a rough draft of the paper. This paper must conform to the MLA Style of citation and presentation and both the rough draft and final draft will be marked out of 100%. Students will receive a letter grade on the paper copy of both the rough draft and final draft of their essay but will receive that grade as a number grade in the mark book of their Nexus course. Students are not required to write on the questions listed below; these are only suggestions that might help students formulate a research question. Students are also not necessarily required to use an essay from their textbook. However, if students are having difficulty zeroing in on a research question, the textbook might be helpful to them. Please choose one of the questions listed below: 1. Using your reading of “Comparing Mythologies” by Tomson Highway, research and write a fifteen-hundred- word essay in which you discuss the social impact of a theory of cultural anthropology. Some suggestions for your focus are kinship and family, the anthropology of gender and sexuality, medical anthropology, and the anthropology of religion. These are, of course, suggestions and you do not necessarily have to focus on one of them. 2. Following your reading of “Behavioral Study of Obedience” by Stanley Milgram research and write a fifteen-hundred-word essay on one 'classic' psychological theory. 3. Using your reading of “Changing Our Bodies, Changing Ourselves?” by Susie O'Brien and Imre Szeman, research and write a fifteen-hundred-word essay in which you discuss a type of body modification. It can be an historic or modern procedure and students should examine the social and physical ramifications of having that procedure. 4. Research and write a fifteen-hundred-word essay on a pseudo-science. Some examples of pseudo-sciences are, but not limited to, galvanism, water cures, mesmerism, and chelation therapy. 5. Research and write a fifteen-hundred-word essay on a topic of your choosing. Students must discuss their chosen topic with me before they begin their research and writing
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