Advantages and disadvantages of using a bank debit card

timer Asked: Feb 28th, 2013

Question Description

1. critique the use of bank debit cards. bank debit cards are becoming a popular alternative to using checks or credit cards. investigate the advantages and disadvantages of using a bank debit card and answer the questions below.

here are some ideas to consider in your investigation:

    • convenience to account holders
    • “float” time
    • record of transactions
    • financial privacy/safety
    • card loss/theft liability
    • checkbook balancing
    • vendor acceptance
    • usage fees by banks
    • usage fees by vendors
    • ease of administration by banks
    • ease of administration by vendors

a. where did you get your information?

    • was it the most reliable resource? why or why not?
    • how could you have improved the reliability of your resource?
    • how has technology, such as online banking, affected these aspects? pros and cons?

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