Process Essay

timer Asked: Apr 9th, 2019

Question Description


  • Any one short story in Unit 3:
    • Cheever,"The Swimmer"
    • Boyle,"Filthy with Things"
    • Baldwin,"Sonny's Blues"
    • Walker,"Everyday use"
    • Sanders,"The Men We Carry in Our Minds"
    • Morrison,"Recitatif"
    • Alexie,"What you Pawn I will Redeem"
  • One or two scholarly journal articles that you’ll find through research

The second paper assignment asked you to think about how one text shapes your reading of another text. This assignment asks you to continue to develop that skill, but to deepen it by bringing in outside research of your own. For your third essay I’d like you to locate one or two scholarly journal articles that will serve as the “lens” through which you analyze your chosen work of literature. Explain how the articles shape your interpretation of the work of literature. For example, do they help you to understand the issues that the literature raises? Or, do they show that these issues are more complex than the literature would lead us to believe? Or, do they challenge the argument made in the piece of literature? Or, do they support that argument?

Your essay must meet these requirements:

  • Do non-literary research: Please don’t look up literary criticism--for example, don’t use criticism that analyzes symbols or characters in the work that you choose to analyze.
  • Use scholarly sources that you find through research: Your paper’s grade will be reduced if you don’t use at least one scholarly If you’re not sure if your source is OK to use, please ask me.
  • Make connections between texts: Your paper must connect your research to the piece of literature that you’re analyzing. Don’t just describe what your research sources say.
  • Use quotes from the piece of literature and from each scholarly source that you use.
  • Have a Works Cited page: Your final draft must include a Works Cited page in MLA style. The Works Cited page does not count toward the 5 full-page length requirement.
  • .

Essay Requirements:

  • A minimum of five double-spaced pages

Criteria for a successful essay include:

  • A title that captures the essence of your essay
  • Well-developed introduction
  • Clear thesis statement in the introduction
  • Well-developed support for your argument (weave in quotes and analyze them)
  • Logical organization with topic sentences and transitions
  • Conclusion that adds a final thought
  • Few sentence-level errors (grammar, spelling)
  • MLA citation

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