What specific recommendations would you make

timer Asked: Mar 30th, 2014

Question Description

Exercise 11.1 - The following activities are based on a recently completed group project that you have been involved in. This project may have been a student project, a work project, or an extracurricular project. a. Analyze the development of the team in terms of the five-phase model and the punctuated equilibrium model. Which model does the best job of describing how the team evolved? b. Analyze the group in terms of the nine situational factors that influence team development. What factors positively contributed to group performance? What factors negatively contributed to group performance? How did the group try to overcome the negative factors? What could you have done differently to overcome these negative factors? c. Analyze how effectively the group managed meetings. What did the group do well? What didn’t the group do well? If the group were formed again, what specific recommendations would you make about how the group should manage meetings?

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