Computer Forensics Report essay

timer Asked: Apr 20th, 2014

Question Description

Your Computer Report should be an MS Word document, at least six pages in length.

  • Your forensics report should be about a fictitious company going through any of the scenarios learned in this class.
  • Use hypothetical questions to guide and support your opinion. Hypothetical questions are based on factual evidence and should include only those facts supporting your opinion or conclusion. Remember that hypothetical questions can be abused and made so complex that the finder of fact (expert) might not be able to evaluate the answer.
  • Your report should include:

a. Abstract
b. Table of contents
c. Body of report
d. Conclusion
e. Glossary
f. Acknowledgments
g. Appendixes

  • Your report organization is very important. You should lay out ideas in a logical order and build arguments piece by piece, grouping related ideas and sentences into paragraphs and paragraphs into sections.

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