Lesson plan - Phonics (eat task 4)

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Design a phonics lesson plan (using the attached "WGU Lesson Plan Format"). Include the following:

1.  Design a “Making Words Activity” for elementary-aged students, making sure that you follow all five steps. (See the attached “Making Words Activity” for instructions.) EAT_COS_5_Making_Words_Activity_0412-3.docx

2.  Include a provision for diverse learners in the plan.

3.  Include a technology component in the plan.

WGU Lesson Plan Format (0913)-17.docx

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Making Words Activity In the “Making Words” activity, use a set of letter cards for each student. The cards will have capital letters on one side and lowercase letters on the other side. Some frequently used letters need to be included more than once in the packet. Vowels and consonants might be on different colored cards or written in different colors to help students distinguish them. • Step 1: Distribute the letters (lowercase on one side of the chalkboard, uppercase on the other side). • Step 2: Give the directions for each word that students are to make: “Use two letters to make at.” Students should form the word from the letters in their packets. • Step 3: Have a volunteer assemble the correct response on the chalkboard ledge. A volunteer reads the word. Students should check and correct their responses, or the students can show their cards to reveal the correct responses. This strategy helps teachers detect students who might need assistance or remediation. • Step 4: Give directions for the next word. Use a word in a sentence so students hear it in context. Stretch out the word for students who are struggling. If a word is a proper name, make note of that. • Step 5: On chalkboard ledge, line up in order the words students made. Have volunteers read the words, and help the students sort words according to patterns, beginning/ending sounds, etc. (Gunning, 212–213) Reference List: Gunning, T. (2010). Creating literacy instruction for all students (7th ed.). Boston, MA: Allyn and Bacon/Pearson Education. LESSON PLAN Name: WGU Task Objective Number: GENERAL INFORMATION Lesson Title & Subject(s): Topic or Unit of Study: Grade/Level: Instructional Setting: (e.g., group size, learning context, location [classroom, field trip to zoo, etc.], seating arrangement, bulletin board displays) STANDARDS AND OBJECTIVES Your State Core Curriculum/Student Achievement Standard(s): To view standards: Go to TaskStream Standards Manager under Programs & Resources. Then go to Browse Standards (Standards Wizard). Select your state. Select standard(s). Lesson Goals: (A statement describing the overall purpose of the lesson; what the students are expected to know or do at the end of the lesson) Lesson Objective(s): (Your objective(s) should align with the knowledge and skills taught as well as with the assessment chosen for this task. All learning objectives must include a Specific Behavior, Condition, and Measurable Criteria) MATERIALS AND RESOURCES Instructional Materials: Materials needed for the lesson (e.g., textbook, construction paper, scissors, PowerPoint, guided note templates) Resources: Supplementary information and/or places where you found information for the lesson INSTRUCTIONAL PLAN Sequence of Instructional Procedures/Activities/Events (provide description and indicate approximate time for each): 1. Identification of Student Prerequisite Skills Needed for Lesson: (e.g., anticipatory set, schema, purpose of lesson for students, connections to previous learning, definitions of terms reviewed) 2. Presentation of New Information or Modeling: (e.g., term definitions, concepts, processes and/or approaches) 3. Guided Practice: (e.g., teacher directed, scaffolding, check for student understanding – including any questions to ask or anticipate from students) 4. Independent Student Practice: (e.g., teacher monitored, check for student understanding – including any questions to ask or anticipate from students) 5. Culminating or Closing Procedure/Activity/Event: (e.g., review terms, concepts, and/or learning process; establish connections to the next lesson; check for student understanding – including any questions to ask or anticipate from students) Pedagogical Strategy (or Strategies): (e.g., direct instruction, cooperative learning groups, partner work) Differentiated Instruction: Describe accommodations for such groups as English Language Learners, hearing impaired, learning disabled, physically disabled, and/or gifted/accelerated learners. Student Assessment/Rubrics: Describe how you will know if students have met the objective(s) for this lesson (include pre- and post-assessment plans—formal and/or informal, summative and/or formative, etc.).
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