Cowling’s Rule for child sized doses of medication

timer Asked: May 15th, 2014

Question Description

Read about Cowling’s Rule for child sized doses of medication (number 92 on page 119 of Elementary and Intermediate Algebra).

Solve parts (a) and (b) of the problem using the following details indicated for the first letter of your last name:

If your lastname starts with letterFor part (a) of problem 92 use this information to calculate the child’s dose.For part (b) of problem 92 use this information to calculate the child’s age.

A or Zadult dose 400mg ibuprofen; 5 year old child800mg adult, 233mg child

C or Xadult dose 500mg amoxicillin; 11 year old child250mg adult, 52mg child

E or Vadult dose 1000mg acetaminophen; 8 year old child600mg adult, 250mg child

G or Tadult dose 75mg Tamiflu; 6 year old child500mg adult, 187mg child

I or Radult dose 400mg ibuprofen; 7 year old child1200mg adult,200mg child

K or Padult dose 500mg amoxicillin; 9 year old child100mg adult, 12.5mg child

M or Nadult dose 1000mg acetaminophen: 6 year old child600mg adult, 200mg child

O or Ladult dose 75mg Tamiflu; 11 year old child1000mg adult, 600mg child

Q or Jadult dose 400mg ibuprofen; 8 year old child500mg adult, 250mg child

S or Hadult dose 500mg amoxicillin; 4 year old child300mg adult, 100mg child

U or F  adult dose 1000mg acetaminophen; 3 year old child75mg adult, 12.5mg child

W or Dadult dose 75mg Tamiflu; 5 year old child1200mg adult, 300mg child

Y or Badult dose 400mg ibuprofen; 2 year old child400mg adult, 50mg child

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