individual work week 5 work 2

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Business Finance


Instructional Objectives for this activity:Compare professional and non-professional correspondence.
  1. Compare and contrast Email 1 with Email 2 in Doc Sharing. Which email is professionally written? Which email is not professionally written?
  2. Which email has all of the required components for professionally communicating?
  3. Compare Report 1 with Report 2 in Doc Sharing. Which report would you be proud to read aloud in court? Remember, the District Attorney or State’s Attorney (Prosecutor) will ask a law enforcement officer, crime scene investigator, probation officer, parole officer, etc. to read his or her report aloud in court.
  4. How important are format, grammar, vocabulary, and documentation? (Note: A judge will not sign a search warrant if the “Face Page,” that is, the title page, is not formatted exactly to every technical specification. It is also important to recognize the time-sensitive nature of many search warrants pursuant to public safety issues).
  5. How important is APA format and learning how to format to avoid plagiarism when presenting researched material in court? (Could presenting researched material in court, not properly documented in APA format, jeopardize your credibility with a jury?)

Writing Tips:

  • The deliverable length of your homework assignment is 400-500 words, one to two double spaced pages (does not include title page or reference page).
  • Remember to create in-text citations for every source you use to create a sentence for your paper.
  • Every in-text citation must have a corresponding reference on the reference page of your paper.
  • All homework assignments must be in APA format. They must have a title page, body, and reference page.
    • Every in-text citation must have a corresponding reference on the reference page of your paper.
    • Papers must be double spaced, using 10-12 point font, with one inch margins all the way around.
    • Tip: Website addresses are NOT references; they are links to websites only.
    • A reference contains four basic parts: An Author, year, title, and publisher. A website address does not contain those parts and is, therefore, not a reference.
    • Please do not include only a website address as a “source” in your references list.
For citation guidelines, please refer to the table in the APA Style section of the syllabus.

Save your document with a file name that includes your_name_course code-section number_title.

  • For example: JaneSmith_CCJ1910-12_Week5-2.docx

To submit your Individual Work, go to the Dropbox and click "Submit Assignment."

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