Intro to Communication

timer Asked: Jun 14th, 2014

Question Description

Can a top/gold tutor reword something for me within three hours? This is the topic:  

Public Speaking

The fear of speaking in public is one of the most common fears people have...maybe you have this fear, too. While you may or may not experience speaking to a large group, you very likely could be called into impromptu meetings in which you are expected to address management and co-workers. This can cause just as much anxiety if you do not feel confident enough.

1) If you have a fear of public speaking, what do you do to prepare yourself when you have to speak in front of a group? If you don't struggle with this fear, what helps you to be successful in avoiding this common problem?

2) Preparation
is certainly a key to being more calm when presenting in any environment. What steps would you take to ensure that you would deliver an effective presentation? Why do you think these steps would be helpful?

3) Have you experienced preparing and delivering a presentation at work? If so, how did you do? Were you nervous or did you feel comfortable? Discuss what (if anything) you learned about public speaking from that experience. If you have not experienced delivering a presentation in the workplace, tell us about your experience giving a speech in school or for any other reason such as a group function, wedding, etc., and discuss what (if anything) you learned about public speaking from that experience.

This is what I need to be reword:  

I don't know if you would call it the actual fear, glossophobia, but I definitely have felt intense anxiety or nervousness before. I don't have to do it very often, so I don't have any special preparation ritual I use. However, I do believe that the arguably best preparation step is knowing your material. After all, how can you be comfortable with the audience if you are not comfortable with your presentation? At my last school, my Nutrition class paired up and did a series of presentations on different vitamins and minerals. My pairing drew the lot for Vitamin B12, so we researched it and made ourselves very familiar with the data we put into the presentation. I listened to so many other students who were not comfortable with their presentations, namely the medical terms for the vitamins, that I actually became more relaxed, for I had carefully taught myself how to say the two big terms for my vitamin. In fact, I still remember them: methylcobalamin and deoxyadenosolcobalamin. When you make yourself comfortable with things like, it makes public speaking a whole lot easier.

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