Creating Learning Contracts

timer Asked: Jun 15th, 2014

Question Description

Handout 6 - Creating Learnng Contracts.docx   this is the link to the handout

To complete this assignment, you will need to fill in the following boxes:


1.      In the first box you will identify one step involved in creating a Learning Contract.

2.      In the next box you will provide an overview of the step you identified.   

3.      In the last box you will discuss the significance of the step you identified and how the differences of individual learners may impact this step in the process.  

4.      Repeat steps until all steps involved in creating a Learning Contract are identified, described, and discussed.  Each description and discussion should be substantive and requires a minimum of 3 sentences per response.

I need help with the section that says- Significance of each step and how the differences of individual learners may impact this step in the process.

Unformatted Attachment Preview

Creating Learning Contracts To complete this assignment, you will need to fill in the following boxes: 1. In the first box you will identify one step involved in creating a Learning Contract. 2. In the next box you will provide an overview of the step you identified. 3. In the last box you will discuss the significance of the step you identified and how the differences of individual learners may impact this step in the process. 4. Repeat steps until all steps involved in creating a Learning Contract are identified, described, and discussed. Each description and discussion should be substantive and requires a minimum of 3 sentences per response. Save this document and type directly onto the document and into the boxes. The boxes will expand to accommodate what you write. Submit as an attachment to the appropriate drop box. Steps of Creating a Learning Contract Overview of each step Diagnose Your Learning A Learning need is the gap between where you are Needs now and where you want to be in regard to a particular set of competencies. Specify Your Learning Objectives After step one has been completed then a learning objective needs to be made. They should describe what you will learn and not what you will do. Start from the one that is the most meaningful to you, then content acquisition, terminal behaviors and directions for growth. Significance of each step and how the differences of individual learners may impact this step in the process Specify Learning Resources and Strategies Specify Evidence of Accomplishment Describe how you propose to go about accommodating each objective. Identify the sources that you plan to use in your field experience and the strategies you will employ in making use of them. List them in numeric order or even bullets is suggested. Describe what evidence you will collect to indicate the degree to which you have achieved each objective. Specify How the Evidence will be Validated Specify what criteria you propose the evidence will be judged. The criteria will vary according to the type of objective. Review Your Contract with Consultants After completing a draft of the contract review it with two to three friends, experts and supervisors. Carry Out the Contract You may do what the contract call for. Keep in mind that as you work on it you may find that your notions about what you want to learn and how you want to learn it could change. Evaluate your Learning When the contract is completed get some assurance that you have in fact learned what you set out to learn.
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