The NATURAL WORLD - 3 questions

timer Asked: Jun 19th, 2014

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Name: Date: Graded Assignment Unit Test, Part 2: The Natural World Read the directions carefully. Answer in the space provided. (15 points) 1. What do poets do when they personify subjects? Choose a poem from the unit that uses personification, identify the subject that is personified in the poem, and describe how it is personified. Then explain how personification helps the poet to convey his ideas about the natural world. Write your answer in a paragraph of at least five sentences. Score Answer: (20 points) 2. Wordsworth’s “I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud” and “To a Butterfly” and Coleridge’s “Sonnet to Score the River Otter” and “Lines to a Beautiful Spring in a Village” all deal with memories. Choose two of these poems, and explain for each poem what the speaker suggests about how the natural world affects people’s memories. How does this function of the natural world fit with the Romantic view of nature? Write your answer in two paragraphs of at least four sentences each. Answer: (20 points) 3. The Romantics thought that people could turn to nature for comfort. They also identified Score another important role for nature in people’s lives—that of teacher. Now that you have read poems by five Romantic poets, consider what nature teaches in their poetry. Choose two poems, written by two different authors. Identify the title and author of each poem. Then explain the lesson that each poet learned from nature as shown in each poem. Include why this lesson is important for people to learn. Write your answer in two paragraphs of at least four sentences each. Answer: Your Score ___ of 55
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