Mass & Gravity Class Exercises Help

Qnavry Qragba
timer Asked: Jun 26th, 2014

Question Description

I'm working on a few physics problems to get ready for my exam. But I don't understand how exactly gravity & friction works. Can some one please explain these 2 things and help me with the following questions?

  • 1. You were to carry the bag of apples to the surface of the moon, where the gravitational field is only 1.67 N/kg, how much would the apples weigh? (Do you just replace g? I'm so confused, why does apple weight different on the moon? I thought mass is supposed to be uniform. )
  • 2. On a trip to Mars, you pick up an alien life form that weighs 90 N there. When you bring it back to Earth, you find that it weighs 238 N on Earth. How much mass does the alien have? How strong is the gravitational field on the surface of Mars
  • 3. After creating a 50 kg ceramic sculpture, Blake needs to drag it across the concrete floor to the corner of the room. He finds that he needs to pull with more than 220 N of force to get it to slide. What is the coefficient of friction between the ceramic and concrete?
  • 4. band of Viking warriors drags their 1500 kg boat across the beach to set out to sea. They find that they have to push with more than 8800 N of force to slide it across the beach. What is the coefficient of friction between the boat and the sand?
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