Malfunction Junction Case Study

timer Asked: Nov 5th, 2013

Question Description

Malfunction Junction Case Study:

Junction City, a rapidly growing community of 150,000 residents, is an
agriculturally based area located in the center of the state, about 20 miles
from the ocean. The city gains a population of 10,000 to 20,000 visitors a day
during the summer months, when ocean recreation is a popular activity. Owing to
local growth in the meat-packing industry, the city’s demographics are changing
rapidly, especially its Hispanic population. The downtown area of the city has
slowly deteriorated over the past few years, resulting in increased crime and
disorder. A property tax cap has resulted in reduced revenues to local
jurisdictions, and the recent recession has taken a substantial toll on the
city’s budget; the result has been significant reductions in staffing. The
police department now has 100 sworn and 35 nonsworn personnel, and has
experienced its share of budget cuts and staff reductions. The chief of police
of 10 years’ duration retired recently, leaving an agency that is still very
traditional in nature and has a growing number of desk-bound administrative
personnel and degree of rank structure (corporal, sergeant, lieutenant, captain,
deputy chief, commander, and chief). The morale of the department is poor due to
the increases in workload resulting from tourism and agricultural expansion. You
have been hired as the new police chief. As a result of the current situation,
the city manager and council are calling for an emergency meeting with you to
discuss the future of the department. They explain that at a recent council
retreat, they heard a consultant’s presentation on the implementation and
operation of community policing and problem solving. They are now seeking your
views on this strategy, its potential for Junction City, and how you might
approach its implementation. (Note: They emphasize that you are to
explain how you might reorganize the police department to move away from its
current traditional organization, with only one police facility and its
administration- and rank-laden status.)

**Question: Would you anticipate that the officers' workload would be reduced or increased under the COPPS (Community-Oriented Policing & Problem Solving) strategy?

Question need to be answered in 350 words in APA format.......ORIGINAL & PLAGRISM free work.

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