Literature Discussion Question

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INSTRUCTIONS: To post, click on the Topic title to access the topic and then click the "Post New Thread" button.

Part I: Select a fact about one of the authors this week that you found most interesting and tell us why.

Part II: If you had to choose only one aspect of who you are that is predominant in your identity, what would it be? Why? With that in mind, what character could you best relate to this week?

Part III: Select one of the works this week. Discuss how one of the characters defines him or herself. Take a look at another character in the same work. Does that character perceive that person the same way? How do their definitions differ? For instance, you may discuss how Mother defines herself and how her husband sees her. Be sure to support your response with cited evidence from the text.

Submission Instructions: As with every "main" discussion post, please make comments substantive (in at least 300 words). Use quotations to support your points, but make sure to balance them with your own original ideas.

“Picture Bride” by Cathy Song in American Literature Since the Civil War“Woman Hollering Creek” by Sandra Cisneros in American Literature Since the Civil War“Big Two-Hearted River: Part I and Part II” by Ernest Hemingway in American Literature Since the Civil War

“Two Postures beside a Fire” by James Wright in American Literature Since the Civil War

“El Patron” by Nash Candelaria in American Literature Since the Civil War

Mary Wilkins Freeman's “The Revolt of Mother” from Short Stories for English Courses

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