Humanities (one from teh past and one figure from the present, or a completely different era from the other), and should compare and contrast their achievements

timer Asked: Nov 5th, 2019

Question Description

Original research paper that is a minimum of 4-5 pages in length, double-spaced, 12 point, with a standard font. In general, pages consist of:

Title page: Captivating title, your name, title of the course, date.

Body: 4-5 pages in length. Follow this rough outline:

Introduction - Introduce subjects subjects- (Remember you are comparing and contrasting two figures from different eras). Bring focus to your study through thesis statement.

First Point: coming out of thesis statement

a) Support #1 from research

b) Support #2 from research

c) Personal observation

d) Etc

Second Point: coming out of thesis statement

a) Support #1 from research

b) Support #2 from research

c) Personal opinion

d) Etc

Third Point (if needed) coming out of thesis statement

a) Support #1 from research

b) Support #2 from research

c) Personal opinion

d) Etc

Conclusion: Reiterate (do not simply restate) your thesis. Remember to mention both subjects here and close with a striking point.

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