english languages reading

timer Asked: Aug 28th, 2014

Question Description

1.  A Person who works and provides services for a fee, but not full time employee.

a. vendor

b. broker

c. contractor

d. appraiser

2. The gas surrounds earth

a. atmosphere

b. ecosystem

c. geophysics

d. acoustics

3. Implied

a. explicit

b. implicit

c. markatable

d. embargo

4. Valuable Goods


b. records

c. stocks

d. commodities

5.  A main character in a story that is a hero.

a. antagonist

b. protagonist

c. scientist

d. artist

6. Uncharged Particle

a. neutrons

b. protons

c. electrons

d. molecule

7. Speculation

a. discovery

b. evidence

c. hypothesize

d. analysis

8. The degree of intense.

a. intensity

b. measurement

c. potential energy


9. Order of events within a scene

a. foreshadowing

b. flashback


d. allegory

10. A study  that deals with the earth's geography like  atmosphere and oceans.

a. neuropcshysics

b. thermodynamics

c. kinetices

d. geophysics

11. A poem that is told in an actual manner.

a. lyrics

b.  ballard


d. genre

12.. A particle that has a negative change.

a protons

b. neutrons

c. elcetrons

d. molecule

13. Smallest  unit that  consists of at least  one atom.

a. protons

b. neutrons

c. electrons

d. molecule

14. Lent or Lending


b. grants

c. profit


15. Substances that can be a separated and found on a periodic  table.

a. compounds


c. molecules S

d. solids

16. Electric Charge

a. radiation

b. electricity

c. discovery

d. potential energy

17. Masses in  Motion

a. thermodynamics

b. geophysics

c. neurophysics

d. kinetics

18. An exclusive control like in  a business.

a. bureaucracy

b. balance and trade

c. monopoly

d. checks and balnces

19. Two or more characters conversing.

a. monologue

b. dialogue

c. fluency

d. argumentation

20. A category of literature or art

a. genre

b. lyrics

c. personification

d. summary

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