Applying Epidemiology

timer Asked: Nov 9th, 2013

Question Description

Applying  Epidemiology

Epidemiology is the study of epidemics, but more so, it is the study of the occurrence and distribution of health problems. Using any of the epidemiological techniques outlined in this chapter, address the question for one of the case studies outlined below.

Epidemiological Case#1: Gastroenteritis at a University in Texas

Epidemiological Case#2: Norovirus in Vermont

There are two parts to the assignment:

Part 1: Provide a brief statement of the investigation issue. Describe the epidemiological steps you would take by addressing the questions asked within the case study you selected. 

Part 2: Address the question noted at the end of your selected case study.

Paper should be at least four pages in length, but can exceed this depending on how much detail you provide on epidemiological steps you take for your case. One additional Scholarly source in addition to textbook.

Second assignment is based on a team

Our topic is: Obesity in the U.S./ on age, gender, culture, and ethnicity

Powerpoint two to three slides with speaker notes. Provide information on selected topic and a brief background of the issue. Topic should focus on a public health issue/problem within a community, city state, or country. Clear concise thesis/problem statement should presented and supported with academic research and epidemiological evidence (e.g. surveillance, census information, etc.. References should be in speaker notes or on a final slide (not counted in total requirement).

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