Global Perspective on Childhood and Youth

timer Asked: Nov 21st, 2019

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10 pages double spaced

Harvard Style

14 References

Choose a question to do, either A or B. Whichever you are more confident at. Resources have been attached to the file, thanks!

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Choose one of the Essay Title to write up on. A. B. C. A) Using an ethnographic study of children or young people in a non-UK country, analyse and discuss the economic, cultural, social and political circumstances outlined in the study, and how these contribute to construction(s) of ‘childhood’. D. Criteria for assessment (essay title A) Your essay will be assessed according to how well you: • Clearly introduce the study you have chosen and provide a rationale for this focus • Explain the cultural, social and political circumstances outlined in the study and examine how these relate to discourses about ‘childhood’ • Identify and explain the perspectives of children/young people within the study • Debate the impact of ideas about ‘globalisation’ on this topic • Incorporate relevant academic literature to support your discussion OR A. B) Is there a global form of ‘childhood’? Debate with reference to the themes and issues explored within the module and illustrate your answer with examples from at least two countries. B. Criteria for assessment (essay title B) Your essay will be assessed according to how well you: • Clearly introduce the assignment, and provide a rationale for the themes chosen • Analyse the concept of ‘globalisation’ and discuss how it impacts upon the chosen themes • Include the perspectives of children/young people • Compare different concepts of ‘childhood’ evident within the countries used as examples in relation to the themes explored • Incorporate relevant academic literature to support your discussion You need to demonstrate: • A clear understanding of the appropriate theoretical / knowledge base necessary for addressing the question • A clear evaluation of its implications for practice. • The ability to collate and assimilate information effectively. • The ability to demonstrate background research into your topic, through references and appropriate bibliography. Application: Outstandingly good use of explanation and summary. Outstanding use of primary sources of literature from a wide range of disciplines. Analysis and Synthesis: Extremely well developed, logical argument. Clear audit trail of reasoned debate and analysis. Original use of theory. Generates new perspectives of topic area. Evaluation: Exceptionally high level of critical evaluation. Identifies all implications of critique. Presentation: Introduction and background. Outstanding use of English with distinct personal style. No grammatical errors. Correct citation and referencing. (In-text citations done according to Harvard format. Referencing follows the Harvard format. Sufficient and authoritative resources referenced, 15-20) Quotations used appropriately Attach links of references to the essay at the end
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