Significant clinical issue and PICO(T)

timer Asked: Sep 15th, 2014

Question Description

Using the,Significant Clinical Issue <<One of the most seriously noted clinical issues highly pertains to that of data and/or patient record errors. These errors are generated by human imputes within the health information technology system during numerous administrative functions. Such errors are the root cause of duplicated patience records which ultimately affects the patients quality of care, deliverance of appropriate health monitoring, as well as the possibility of potentially misinformation as duplicated records are difficult to retrieve if untrained healthcare workers are not aware of the existing file or record. If doctors and nurse's are aware of such files, locating the correct record that has critical patience information will compromise the health care quality that needs to be dilivered>> , describe the knowledge gap that research could fill. Identify the PICO(T) elements that might be found in a research question related to the problem. No word ct. 1-2 reference in APA format. ORGINAL ONLY!

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