HCS 445 Statistics for Health Sciences

timer Asked: Sep 18th, 2014

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Week 4 Discussion 1

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Week 4 - Discussion 1 – Guess the Correlation The Pearson correlation coefficient is a measure of degree of linear relationship between two variables. There are many correlated variables in health research: weight and height, smoking and drinking, health behaviors, etc. The bivariate scatter plot shown below illustrates a strong negative correlation between two variables: The next graph depicts a correlation of 1 (i.e. for a variable correlated with itself): For this discussion, analyze the graph below which represents the correlation between weight (vertical axis; weight in pounds) and height (horizontal axis; height in inches). Do you think there is a negative or a positive correlation coefficient between these two variables? What value do you think this correlation coefficient will have? You do not need to be exact, but come up with a value you think would fit the given data. For the estimated value, what would be the coefficient of determination and what does it mean? Is this a strong correlation? Please explain.
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