Write a 600 words paper in APA style
Question Description
- With clear, insightful critical thinking, write a paper articulating your own personal ethics statement by responding to the following:
- Why does each of us believe what we do?
- Why do we choose to respond in a particular way when faced with an ethical dilemma?
- Define how you will respond when confronted with an ethical dilemma.
- Identify elements from biblical scripture to support your personal ethics statement. How did you develop your sense of right and wrong?
- Explain how the Bible positively informs (or should inform more significantly) your daily work.
- Explain negative behaviors in the workplace that you will avoid based on your study done in this course.
- Write your answers in a three-page paper (one-half page per a-f above) using APA format. Include at least three sources as references for this paper.
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