C programming tasks

timer Asked: Oct 17th, 2014

Question Description

Task 1
Write a program that reads two strings from the command line. The user
should have the possibility of:
a) Concatenating the two strings
NOTE: Use strcat from the C library.
b) Comparing two strings.
Implement your own strcmp function.
NOTE: It is not allowed to use any function from the C string library.

Task 2
Write a program that fills a 3x3 matrix with random numbers containing the
values from 0 to 9. The program should print the generated matrix.
Furthermore, the user should have the possibility to replace a certain number
inside the matrix. For example, if the user enters number two then all
elements having the value two are replaced by a second entered number.
In addition the program should print out all the positions of the elements that
have been replaced.
The program should have a function for
- the initialization of a matrix
- printing a matrix
- replacing the number(s) inside the matrix
NOTE: The declared arrays should not be global.

Task 3
Write a program that has a structure called person with three member
variables (name, age and a customer ID number). Reserve memory for three
persons by using the malloc function. The program asks the user to enter the
data for three persons. After all data have been entered the program saves
the entered data in a text file.
NOTE: Use the gets(….), or fgets(…) function to read the input of the

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