web design assignment 2

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Computer Science


here is a simple web designing assignment 

DE2 page design.docx 

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Design Exercise 2 Page Design - Scenario: Imagine that you are designing two different Web pages for a local hospital about skin care protection from the sun. One page is geared toward 10-12 year-olds, and the other page is geared toward adults. - Discuss the following questions for each page - Navigation scheme and navigation menu design (which navigation scheme and which type of navigation menu will you use?) - How did you apply the CRAP guideline in your design? (Make sure you discuss each of the four guidelines.) - How did you design the grid layout of the page? - How did you use white (negative space)? - How did you design typography? - How did you use color? - How did you use images, charts, or other multimedia materials? - How would the writing style be different between the two pages? - Develop a sample page for each user population. The page should clearly show the grid design layout. The page should have at least one image and demonstrate the use of colors. There should be reasonable amount of text to demonstrate the use typography. - All the content of the report must be neatly typed and printed. You may use Word, PowerPoint, Expression Web, or any other software of your choice to design the two pages. Note that your work will not be graded based on how visually appealing the pages are, but on whether you have effectively applied the design principles that we discussed during class. - Due date: Oct. 14, 2014
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