who help me to do these tasks for tomorrow urgent please

timer Asked: Nov 3rd, 2014

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Getting you thinking 1 Identify the main forms of private information that exist in the situation described in the article. 3 Identify reasons why the principle of confidentiality may be useful and helpful in Sensitive situations like the one described. 2 Apart from the girl herself and the health worker, who else (if anyone), do you think, has a right to know about the pregnancy and the prescription of the 'morning after' pill? Explain your reasoning. 4 Describe some of the drawbacks or difficulties to "confidentiality that the article draws attention to. Mother angry at secret abortion A mother whose 14-year-old daughter had an abortion without her knowledge has criticised the law. The teenager fell pregnant last month and after talking to a school health worker she decided to have a termination. Within days, her mother found out what was happening, and the teenager changed her mind. But by then it was too late. She had taken the first of two pills as part of a chemical abortion and had to complete the procedure. The girl's mother said the school “took my rights away as a mother completely". But a local education authority spokeswoman said: “Teachers are not legally bound to inform parents if any young person tells a member of staff that she is pregnant. If there is to be any disclosure the teachers should seek consent from the pupil they are working with." Source: BBC News.online KEY TERMS Caldecott Principles Guidelines on the use of patient-identifiable information in the NHS. Confidential information Information that is private. Data items of information. Case conference Meeting of different care professionals to discuss the care needs of, and provision for, a particular care service user. Common law Legal principles that are established through judgments made in the courts rather than by legislation. Disclosure 'Telling' or 'making known'. Patient-identifiable Information Data that can be traced back to, or which clearly identifies, a particular patient or individual.
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