business ethics no plagiarism

timer Asked: Nov 10th, 2014

Question Description

Time to bring everything together based upon the feedback you have received and a further opportunity to review and make revisions that you feel are pertinent. Just as a recap, over the past several weeks, you have been learning the about the ethical and legal challenges and factors involving your organization. Your task is to compose and submit the final ethical code of conduct plan for your company that addresses the conduct of its employees, vendors, and board of directors, as well as its business operations. At this phase, you will be submitting the final draft of this international business expansion plan for review by your instructor. Take the feedback into consideration from your instructor and colleagues that you received last week, and make any additions or deletions as you deem necessary. 

Your ethical code of conduct plan for your company’s international business expansion plan should include all of the different concepts and ideas covered over the past several weeks. You are to submit a detailed plan covering your operations, both nationally and internationally, in addition to the conduct of its employees, vendors, and board of directors, as well as its business operations. The following points need to be addressed in your ethical code of conduct plan:

  • The legal regulations of conducting business overseas
  • The ethical code of conduct for employees and vendors
  • Guidelines for adherence to EEOC, ADA, and Civil Rights laws
  • Distinguishing between right and wrong in business dealings and when an action is legal
  • Identifying the issues surrounding the motivation behind unethical or illegal business operations when the consequences are properly documented
  • The ethical responsibilities of companies in the marketplace if they are a monopoly or oligopoly.
  • Anything else that you deem important to support your ethical code of conduct plan

The code of conduct plan should be structured so as to be easily navigable for employees; including headings for each section, a clear description of expected and required behavior, training requirements, method of reporting of unethical or illegal behavior, and consequences of unethical or illegal behavior.

The deliverable length is 1,250–1,500 words. Do not forget to include a cover page and reference page with all of your resources.

Letter to EmployeesAs an appendix in the final draft of your key assignment document, write a letter to employees from senior leaders explaining the importance of the implementation of a code of conduct, the company’s vision, mission statement, and the importance of good ethical principles for the success of the firm.

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