Class discussion needs to be 3 to 5 sentences

timer Asked: Nov 10th, 2014

Question Description

Population has grown from 1 billion to over 6 billion globally from the dark ages to present. China maintains nearly one fifth of the world's population. They provide incentives and strategies to control population (Wright & Boorse, 2014). This week’s discussion will focus on topics covered in Chapter 9. For this week's class discussion, please respond to the following:

  • What is exponential population growth? (see page 76)
  • Is the global population growing exponentially?
  • What are the implications on our ecosystem when the population increases?
  • Do we have enough resources to sustain an exponentially growing world population thinking 100 years into the future?
  • How does China enforce their one (or now two) child policy?
  • How can governments try to reduce fertility rates without going the route of China’s one (or two) child policy?

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