Assignment: Resource: Riordan Manufacturing Virtual Organization

timer Asked: Nov 12th, 2014

Question Description

Assignment: Resource: Riordan Manufacturing Virtual Organization

Amend the Riordan IT budget, according to the following requirements:

  1. An increase in spending on items related to hardware, software, and outside IT support services by 4 percent
  2. A decrease the overall budget by 2 percent

Write a 5 page paper that presents your revised budget. Explain your rationale for any changes you made to the budgeted amounts.

Must have the following information References and citations, flat rate of $20.00 down payment due on 11/14/2014 along with remainder of payment. I will include the orginal budget with a revised budget, please use the revised budget an excel file this is already done it just needs to added into the paper. I need references and citations along with introduction and conclusion.

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