timer Asked: Apr 5th, 2020

Question Description

Select one of the following projects:

Option 1: Case Study Research Paper

This project requires you to continue researching the case study group you selected at the beginning of the semester. This would have been your former Case Study Group (i.e., SOLHOT, BAP, SPARK!, OSA). The final result will be an 8 page paper, which (1) outlines the organization/group, (2) assesses if the group aligns with CYS approaches and values and, (3) provides a personal reflection on what you’ve learned from your research which will be helpful in your future career.

Option 2: COVID-19 Youth Impact & Intersectionality Reflection Paper

This project requires you to apply ideas of intersectionality to thinking about youth and the current Coronavirus Pandemic. The final result will be a 5 page paper, which (1) researches and analyzes how youth are being impacted by the virus, (2) identifies 3 ways institutions (e.g., schools, government, etc.) could have adopted CYS based responses to address the current public health crisis and lessen its impact on youth, and, (3) provides a personal reflection on the impact of COVID-19 to your own life and how you would apply CYS to the current situation.

Option 3: Contemporary Youth Issue Reflection Paper

This project requires you to understand a contemporary youth issue and its impact on a youth culture/subculture. For this assignment you will need to focus on either the contemporary issue of homophobia, transphobia, or girls' educational experiences. The final result will be a 5 page paper, which (1) researches and analyzes a current event in the news exemplifying your contemporary issue, (2) connects the current event to a corresponding text (see text below), (3) provides a personal reflection on something you learned about this particular youth culture and ways you could support them within your personal life or future career.

**Corresponding text for Option 3: Homophobia: Either Dennis Carlson's (2014) Chapter 12 from the Critical Youth Studies Reader, or the film Pariah (2011). Transphobia: Either sj Miller’s (2014) Chapter 14 from the text book, or the film Saturday Church (2017). Girls educational experiences: Either Brown’s (2008) chapter, or the documentary Girls Rising (2018). ***

Create and submit the following:

a 200-300 word articulation of your individual project. You must include:

Which option you are selecting, and why. Be sure to be specific. I will not recall what you mean when you say I am selecting Option 1 for my final project. Describe what you are doing for your final project.

Identify and summarize a current event that applies to your project. For those continuing a case study this will not be necessary. Be sure to answer what the current event is about, who it is about, as well as how and why it is relevant to your final project.

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