timer Asked: Apr 7th, 2013

Question Description

These essays should be a minimum of five paragraphs in length each. They should contain a clear thesis statement in the first paragraph (an answer to the question!). Make sure your explanation is clear and that you provide specific examples. Any quotes from the readings or external materials must include quotation marks and an in-text citation.

(TCOs 1 & 2) Landes argues that there were cultural differences between the East and Middle East and the West that affected the development and application of some technologies such as the clock. Did these differences also affect the way these cultures approached information technologies such as the printing press? Can you make a comparison with the different approaches taken by Eastern and Middle Eastern and Western cultures today and current information technologies?
(Points : 50)

2. (TCOs 4 & 8) Both Winner and Joy explore the issue of technology and control. How would you compare their two views of current technological development? Focus the comparison on a specific technology, such as genetically modified organisms. (Points : 50)

3. (TCOs 3 & 4) Has the development of digital technologies democratized the art of photography? How has this affected our appreciation of the photographer as artist and photography as an art form? Explain using specific examples. (Points : 50)


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