ART 111 Help

timer Asked: Nov 27th, 2013

Question Description

Question 1

    Ancient Egyptian art focused on the belief in their gods and their obsession with the afterlife. 

    Answer True False

3.4 points  

Question 2

     Roman buildings and monuments do not survive very well due to poor architectural knowledge and bad building techniques.

    Answer True False

3.35 points  

Question 3

     Classical Greek art focused on a naturalistic depiction of the human form, but with an idealistic view (making the individual perfect).

    Answer True False

3.34 points  

Question 4

     Paintings of Mary and the Christ child before the Renaissance depicted Him as a miniature adult, and against a shiny, gold background.

    Answer True False

3.33 points  

Question 5

     Renaissance painters and sculptors did not revive the naturalism and classical contrapposto of the earlier Greek period.

    Answer True False

3.33 points  

Question 6

     Baroque painters and sculptors (Caravaggio, Bernini) were not as good at depicting naturalism as Renaissance painters (Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo).

    Answer True False

3.33 points  

Question 7

     Twentieth century painters such as Picasso did not challenge the traditional ways of depicting paintings naturalistically.

    Answer True False

3.33 points  

Question 8

     Art is completely subjective, so there is really nothing to learn from studying it.

    Answer True False

3.33 points  

Question 9

    1.  During Prehistoric times paintings related to hunting and survival.  Where were the first images made by humans found?


    a.  Churches.

    b.  Cave walls.

    c.  Government buildings.

    d.  Private homes.

3.33 points  

Question 10

    2.   Ancient Egyptians built pyramids structures to house the mummified bodies of the pharaohs.  How else did Ancient Egyptians prepare for the journey to the afterlife.


    a.   They filled their tombs with everyday objects and images that helped them in the afterlife.

    b.   They spent all their money during their lifetime.

    c.   They built elaborate houses in which to live.

    d.   They destroyed all of their worldly goods before they died.

3.33 points  

Question 11

    Ancient Egyptians used specific techniques to show who was the most important figure in a work of art.  Which of the following is true?


    They showed the most important figure the smallest.

    They showed the most important figure the most naturalistic and casual in pose.

    They showed the most important figure the largest, called hierarchical scale.

3.33 points  

Question 12

     Unlike the Egyptians, Greek artists loved to show naturalism.  Greek sculptures showed a new pose, with a slight weight-shift which resulted in a more naturalistic view.  This pose was called _____________.





3.33 points  

Question 13

    Roman architects were known for their incredible engineering accomplishments.  This included the introduction of concrete as a material and the use of the rounded arch.  Which works of architecture are the most famous from Ancient Rome?


    Eiffel Tower and the Palace of Versailles.

    The Colosseum (gladiator arena) and the Pont du Gard (aqueduct).

    The Great Pyramids and the Temple of Ramesses the Great.

    The correct answer is The Colosseum (gladiator arena) and the Pont du Gard (aqueduct)..the Eiffel tower and the palace of Versaille are examples of French Architecture and the Pyramids and Te,p[le of Ramesses are Egyptian works.

3.33 points  

Question 14

    Paintings from the Early Christian to the Renaissance period have shown Mary and the Christ Child in many poses.  Which of the following is true?


    a.   Mary and Christ are always shown in the exact same pose with the exact same background.

    b.   Artists have always shown Mary and Christ with the exact same features because they know exactly what the two individuals looked like.

    c.   The depiction of Mary and Christ changes over time and according to which culture is creating the painting.

    d. none of the above

3.33 points  

Question 15

    Paintings of the human figure change over time.  Each culture depicts the human body differently based on what is important to that culture.  The Ancient Greeks prized the beauty of the human body and their sculptures often showed the human body __________.


    a.   Nude.

    b.   Exaggerated and ugly.

    c.   Clothed and covered in expensive jewelry.

    d.   Very simplistic and small.

3.33 points  

Question 16

    5.Architecture is another form of artistic production.  Which of the following statement about buildings is true?


    a.   Early civilizations (such as the Ancient Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans) only built small mud brick structures.

    b.   Buildings were primarily constructed as private homes.

    c.   Most early buildings collapsed, so we don’t know what they looked like.

    d.   Early cultures built enormous buildings (temples, tombs) and some still stand today.

3.33 points  

Question 17

    During the Renaissance period the 15th and 16th c. artists looked back to the art of Ancient Greece and Rome. Which of the following statement best describes the style of artwork from the Renaissance?


    a. Paintings and sculpture were stylized with very little details from the natural world.

    b. Paintings and sculpture were abstract in style with bright colors and geometric shapes.

    c. Paintings and sculpture were very naturalistic, resembling the natural world all around them.

    None of the above

3.33 points  

Question 18

    Renaissance artists introduced several techniques to achieve naturalism, which included:


    Chiaroscuro, linear perspective, and atmospheric perspective.

      Hierarchical scale and twisted perspective.

    Abstraction, impasto paint, and impressionism.

3.33 points  

Question 19

    8.   The people that commissioned great works of art throughout history change according to the political climate of the time period.  Which of the following is true?


    a.   Most patrons commissioned great works of art to show their own power and status.

    b.   Most patrons commissioned works of art solely for the artist’s benefit.

    c.   Most patrons were not concerned with the final appearance of the commissioned artwork.

    d. none of the above

3.33 points  

Question 20

    The patrons (people who paid for art/architecture) during the Renaissance (15th-16th c.) commissioned art to decorate the Vatican City.  Which of the following is true?


     Peasants commissioned great paintings to help worship the Pope.

    Elite citizens commissioned portraits of themselves instead of religious paintings.

    The Pope commissioned great religious art to decorate the Vatican, such as Michelangelo who painted the Sistine Chapel ceiling.

3.33 points  

Question 21

    During the Renaissance Italian citizens had their portraits painted by great artists.  Which of the following is a famous Renaissance portrait?


     Palette of Narmer, c. 3150 BCE.

    Leonardo da Vinci, Mona Lisa, c. 1503.

    Artemesia Gentilleschi, Judith Slaying Holofernes, c. 1620.

3.33 points  

Question 22

      The Baroque period changed the depiction of sculptures and paintings. As a result of the stylistic changes including tenebrism, dynamic poses, and extravagant settings, the style is much more ________ than the classical art of the Renaissance.


    Calm and peaceful.

    Abstract and unrecognizable.


3.33 points  

Question 23

     Which of the following subjects are you most likely to find during the Renaissance and Baroque periods?


    Peasants and the very poor.

     Religious paintings showing Christian figures, such as Mary and the Christ child.

    Portraits of Pharaohs and various gods.

3.33 points  

Question 24

    There are many different mediums or materials that artists use throughout history.  Which of the following is true?


    Artists only use the most expensive oil paint so the painting will not by destroyed.

    Artists only use precious materials for sculptures so they will be more expensive.

    Artists use a variety of paint (oil, watercolor, acrylic) and a variety of materials for sculptures (marble, bronze, wood, gold).

3.33 points  

Question 25

    Visual art from the earliest times (Prehistoric) to the 20th century includes which of the following:


    Theatrical plays and later films.

    Paintings, sculptures, and architecture.

     Literature, religion, and philosophy.

3.33 points  

Question 26

    In the twentieth century artists turned away from the naturalism of the past.  Instead they began to paint ____________ art, focusing on bright colors, bold lines, and shapes with the appearance of a more flat space .


    a.   Idealistic.

    b.   Naturalistic.

    c.   Abstract.

    d.   Christian.

3.33 points  

Question 27

    Nineteenth and twentieth century painters and sculptors challenged traditional ways of producing artwork. Which of the following statements is true?


    a. Artists like Van Gogh and Picasso used naturalistic techniques to display human figures exactly how they looked in real life.

    b. Artists like Van Gogh and Picasso used bright colors, thick brushstrokes (Van Gogh), and simple shapes to produce abstract works of art.

    c. Artists like Van Gogh and Picasso displayed human figures in an idealized way that made them look perfect.

    d. none of the above

3.33 points  

Question 28

    Visual art is produced in every culture in many forms.  Which of the following is true?


    a.   Painting, sculpture, and architecture reflect what is important to the belief system of the culture that produces it.

    b.   Painting, sculpture, and architecture never reflect anything about the time period.

    c.   Painting, sculpture, and architecture are primarily decorative, so we should not try to read too much into it.  Instead, we should just appreciate its beauty.

    d. none of the above

3.33 points  

Question 29

    Contour lines are used in drawings and paintings to help show the illusion of volume.

    Answer True False

3.33 points  

Question 30


Abstract art of the twentieth century shows the objects/figures as they are seen in the natural world with no distortion.

Answer True False

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