Andy Griffith TV Show Powerpoint Presentation

User Generated




Andy Griffith Show ..Season 1, episode 12: "Stranger in Town"

5 to 7 minutes Powerpoint Presentation.. Must Be in your own words and on the above episode provided

   3. Here are the issues that must be covered in your presentation:

a. Episode number and episode title.

b. Summary of plot.

c. Mention of any new (nonrecurring characters).

d. Issues of interest—for example, filming/production style, story approach, cultural

content. In other words, why did you choose this episode? Why is it significant and


The material included in the Perspective and Interaction sections of each module is intended to

provide you information and to give you issues to think about. These overviews are not intended

to be used to help you complete your essay. In other words, please use the ideas from the

overviews, but do not use their language. As well, do not use any outside research or information

when completing this assignment. I am interested in what you have to say.

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