Research paper for english

timer Asked: Dec 4th, 2014

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HAMLET Research Essay English IV Directions Choose one of the following questions to respond to in a well-documented, MLA formatted essay (3-5). You must incorporate outside research include a Works Cited page. You must have at least 4 citations and utilize at least 3 sources. Due Date Wednesday Dec. 10th Format submission & hard copy for grading with rubric stapled on top MLA formatted MLA Works Cited 1. Read and examine Martin Carter’s poem, “Being Always” and analyze how it applies to Ophelia, to Hamlet and to the play itself. 2. Use the following line to examine the character of Ophelia and Hamlet: “We know what we are, but know not what we may be” (IV.v.43). Be sure to connect both characters to one of the themes: "This above all: to thine own self be true (I.iii.79) 3. One of the play’s key concerns is the near-impossibility of meaningful human action in a universe that defies comprehension. Identify and examine 3 different characters who display a failed intention to act or comprehend that ends in futility and inaction. Be sure to identify the connecting factor in all three. 4. Choose one important quotation or short passage that, through its meaning, is referred to throughout the play, in both figurative and literal meaning. Examine its purpose and ultimate goal/use. 5. Deception / Appearance and Reality-Hamlet has been called a "claustrophobic" play because of the ways the different characters spy on one another, but "spying" is only one form of deception in the play. There is also Claudius, the incestuous fratricide, playing the part of the good king, and Hamlet himself decides to "put an antic disposition on" (1.5.189). In a way, it is Hamlet's job to see through all of this deception and to discover the truth, although, to discover the truth, Hamlet himself must use deception. What point is Shakespeare trying to make by introducing all of the deception, lying, and false appearances into his play? 6. One work that bears a more-than-passing resemblance to Hamlet is William Faulkner’s As I Lay Dying. Using the meditation below by Darl, explore how Darl’s perspective on life compares with Hamlet’s, especially as revealed in his first three soliloquies. You will need to paraphrase/examine Darl’s mediation before you begin using it. “How do our lives ravel out into the no-wind, no-sound, the weary gestures wearily recapitulant, echoes of old compulsions with no-hand on no-strings: in sunset we fall into furious attitudes, dead gestures of dolls” 7. Analysis of Hamlet’s Character-Hamlet is one of the most complex characters in literature, and Shakespeare created in Hamlet a character that defies easy explanation. What aspects of Hamlet's character are admirable? What are Hamlet's weaknesses or flaws? And what about Hamlet's mental state? Hamlet has been called the most intelligent character in all of literature. Why? And how do his melancholy and feigned (or unfeigned) madness add complexity to his character? Does Hamlet see the world lucidly, or is his perception of the world too clouded by his melancholy? And why does Hamlet take so long to kill Claudius? 8. Theme of Decay and Corruption-"Something is rotten in the state of Denmark" (1.4.98). In fact, many things are rotten in the state of Denmark, and images of decay, corruption, and disease are common throughout the play. Following the conventions of tragedy, many of the characters become corrupted in some way, and, by the end of the play, all of the corrupt characters must be eliminated so that Denmark can once again be set right. Many characters in Hamlet die. In what ways is each of these characters "corrupt"? What images in the play suggest decay, corruption, or disease? 9. Passion and Reason (Renaissance View of Humanity)-As Hamlet says, "What a piece of work is a man! How noble in reason, how infinite in faculties, in form and moving how express and admirable, in action how like an angel, in apprehension how like a god!" (2.2.286-289). At the same time, though, we are sometimes ruled by our passions (lust, greed, gluttony, etc.). We are capable of greatness and nobility, but we are also capable of behavior fitting a beast, so Hamlet asks another "pregnant" question (a question loaded with meaning) when he asks Ophelia, "What should such fellows as I do crawling between earth and heaven?" (3.1.128-129). All of the characters in the play are "crawling between earth and heaven," but some are drawn more to earth by their "beastly" behavior. How does the theme of passion and reason apply to some of the main characters? How does the issue of passion and reason help to determine Hamlet's views of some of the other characters and of life in general? 10. Melancholy, Madness and Sanity-Hamlet tells his mother that he "essentially [is] not in madness, / But mad in craft" (3.4.204-205) and claims to "put an antic disposition on" (1.5.189), but does he ever cross the line between sanity and insanity in the play? To complicate matters, the world of Hamlet seems insane: the king is a murderer; the queen lusts after her dead husband's brother; friends spy on friends; and one character (Ophelia) really does go insane. Could Hamlet really be sane in an insane world? And what about Hamlet's melancholy? From the beginning of the play, Hamlet is depressed, and he considers suicide several different times. What is the real cause of his melancholy? Does he ever break out of his melancholy? 11. How Should One Live? What is the Purpose of Life? -In her madness, Ophelia brings up an important theme of the play: "Lord," she says, "we know what we are, but know not what we may be" (4.5.43-44). Both "what we are" and "what we may be" are problems that Hamlet struggles with throughout the play. Should one lead an active life or a passive life? Does God help to direct our actions? Is the world nothing more than a prison? Is there a meaning to life? Are some of Hamlet's views on life too pessimistic, or are his views supported by the world of the play? Is Hamlet an idealistic and therefore disappointed by the realities of life? 12. Claudius as a figure-Next to Hamlet, arguably the most complex character in the play is Claudius. Write an essay that considers the complex and often contradictory nature of Claudius’ character. This essay must look beyond the fact that Claudius is a murderer (or not-depending on your perspective) who has usurped his brother’s throne and married his brother’s wife. It must also consider his effectiveness or ineffectiveness as a political figure, and determine at precisely what point Claudius makes the transition from one to another 13. How can Hamlet be considered a “Tragic Hero”? What is his “Tragic Flaw”? Compare and Contrast him to a tragic hero from Oedipus, Antigone, or both. Examine characters in detail; tragic flaw, characteristics of tragic hero, with complete comparison and contrast. 14. One student in an earlier class wrote a 12-page research paper on Ophelia. The student was interested in the character, so she did some research, came up with an original thesis, and ended up writing an excellent paper. Another student focused her entire research paper on the Ghost in Hamlet. Remember, you can write on almost any topic that you find interesting and that you think will help readers better understand the play. If you are not interested in any of the topics above, you might read a few articles on Hamlet and see if any issues that the critics brings up could be developed into a research paper.. Literary Analysis Rubric Name __________________________________________ Strengths Topic: Hamlet # _________ Needs Improvement On Topic /Organization Concentrates only on assigned topic Maintains a single focus throughout Examples/Support are all related to topic Thesis stated clearly Topic/Closing sentences used appropriately Paper uses generalizations No contextual evidence Inappropriate detail Unclear thesis Topic sentences missing/unclear Closing sentences missing/unclear Content/Analysis/Supporting Details Appropriate/Focused Details Rich/Thoroughly Analyzed Details/Quotes Details are linked to topic Insights reflect original thought Assigned quotation used effectively to prove and support topic (when applicable) Use of effective context before quotation Use of effective introduction to quotation Grammar/Mechanics/Usage/MLA Lack of errors Variety of sentence structure Effective Diction Transitions used to enhance fluency Third Person Present Tense Quotations in proper form (MLA) Quotations cited properly (MLA) Has four citations Utilized three sources Support/Detail is inappropriate and/or not focused Detail Sparse/Not fully analyzed Summarized vs. Analyzed Drawing conclusions without evidence Lack of contextual evidence/support Lack of introduction to evidence/ support (dropped in) Analysis limited/ unsophisticated Depth of quotations limited Assigned quote disregarded or used ineffectively (when applicable) 20 pts. 60 pts Spelling/Grammatical Errors Lack of modifiers Repetition of sentence structure/Simple structure Subject/Verb Agreement Poor Syntax/Structure/Run-Ons/Fragments Repetitious Diction/Awkward phrasing Tense Errors Personal Pronouns Used Lack of Transitions/Fluency Improper form of quotations Improper form of citations (MLA) MLA Heading, header, d.s, 12 font - - 5 no rubric 10 each day late Not uploaded on Turnitin Not required page numbers 20 pts. Total Grade: ____________ 100
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