APA STYLE - professional writer....

timer Asked: Dec 2nd, 2013

Question Description

My Topic:

How does digital media ( television, internet smart phone, videos, music) influence/affect adolescent attitudes about sexual behavior?


Rubic Grading for Reasearch paper in the following link that you have to check:


General Requirements for Paper:

  • Instructor may refuse to grade papers that do not meet the rubric requirements (grade=zero)
  • General format: APA documentation style
  • The narrative portion of the paper is a minimum of eight (8) complete pages and a maximum of twelve (12) pages.
  • Direct quotations from sources are discouraged as a whole.  For occasional exceptions, quotations must be presented in APA style; for quotes over 40 words, in block style (see OWL online resource).
  • All papers will be subject to evaluation in "Safe Assign" to check for plagiarism.
  • Papers will be printed in black ink using ONLYTimes New Roman or Calibri font - 12 point size
  • No folders or binders or covers of any type are to be used.  The paper is to have the cover page as page 1, and be stapled in the upper left corner.
  • Use 1" margins, top, bottom and sides.  BE CAREFUL!  Check your margin settings as the defaut on many machines is 1.5" on the left and right.
  • Late papers will be subject to a 10 point penalty for each day beyond the due date unless other arrangements have been made with the instructor before the due date.


My Evaluation Sheets that you are going to use:

1- Evaluate source 1:


Article for Evaluate 1:




2- Evaluate Source 2:


Article for Evaluate 2:




3- Evaluate Source 3:


Article for Evaluate 3:



4- Evaluate Source 4:


Article for Evaluate 4:




My Definition of Topic:



My background of Topic:



APA Style also you are going to use my sources in the above plus more sources from you... so the total of APA style sources would be 10 sources or more...


The narrative portion of the paper will be a minimum of eight pages to a maximum of twelve pages long. Students will develop a well-supported, persuasive research paper.


Please plaragism free. APA STYLE.


Use my definition of Topic and background of Topic in the papers... as same as the following examples of other people work in the following files:

1- https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B7aOg9J4i8xxektOZzQ4RmQ4bGM/edit?usp=sharing

2- https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B7aOg9J4i8xxamtKR01iYU9GZE0/edit?usp=sharing

3- https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B7aOg9J4i8xxeGROVnVhaDhHZzQ/edit?usp=sharing

4- https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B7aOg9J4i8xxT1J2a3FGcms0NjA/edit?usp=sharing

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