timer Asked: Apr 24th, 2020

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Engineering Economices (case study )


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schedule 8 Days

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alhuali (hidden)

The case study is designed to assess higher level cognitive course learning objectives i.e. evaluation and synthesis. The case answers are open ended and are based on the assumption made by the student. The instructor will follow the logic and steps made by the student based on the assumption he made.

The main objective is to demonstrate students' ability to perform sound economic feasibility study on a real life engineering scenario. The analysis should capture the technical description of the case and formulate clearly the monetary cash flow along with most, if not all, of the value time economic measures . It also should show some What-If sensitivity analysis (details will be clarified by instructor). The asked question are just initial thoughts student can build their analysis and judgement on. The objectivity will serve ABET SO 1.

ABET SO 1.: an ability to identify, formulate, and solve complex engineering problems by applying principles of engineering, science, and mathematics

please solve both questions for part 1 and part 2 with written all entire formula needed .Also, you need to drew a diagram see the part 2

see the attachment to know the requirement questions

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Part I: Part II: Will be posted soon
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