IT questions help please

timer Asked: Dec 15th, 2014

Question Description

1.  According to Gretchen green’s presentation of STSci, why is the data Management System (DMS) Storage Area Network (SAN) in a private cloud?

You have five lines to respond to this short answer question.

2.  For the ERP to be successful, what is required by company before a contract is signed with the vender?

3.  Why do IT Infrastructure Server Services revolve around messages?

4.  Why are transactions put under the ACID Properties test & ETL?

5.  What implications are there when software is offered as a service in a cloud computing environment? How many data center in the cloud would an enterprise need and why?

6.  How do goals, objectives, and business rules interrelate and differ? Give a good and bad example of each.

7.  How does unstructured and semi-structured data contribute to BI? Where does this data come from?

8.  Explain why architectures are designed in layers?

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