Database :- Data studio SQL

timer Asked: Dec 21st, 2014

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I was told to use the USING operator for this question but it keeps telling me one of my columns is ambiguous. Am uploading the question as a P.D.F folder and my answer as an S.Q.L  document ( you can edit it using the notepad)  


A20 Henry Books Multiple-Table Questions.pdf 

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Henry Books – Multiple-Table Queries Use SQL and the Henry Books database to complete the following exercises. 1. For each book, list the book code, book title, and publisher name. Order the results by publisher name. 1 2. For each book published by Scribner, list the book code, book title, and price. 3. List the book title, book code, and price of each book published by Scribner that has a book price of at least $14. 4. List the book code, book title, and units on hand for each book in branch number 3. 2 5. List the book title for each book that has the type PSY and that is published by Berkley Publishing. 6. Find the book code and book title for each book located in branch number 2 and written by author 20. 7. List the book codes for each pair of books that have the same price. (For example, one such pair would be book 0200 and book 7559, because the price of both books is $8.00.) The first book code listed should be the major sort key, and the second book code should be the minor sort key. 3 8. Find the book title, author last name, and units on hand for each book in branch number 4. 9. Find the book title, author last name, and units on hand for paperback books in branch number 4. 4 10. Find the book code and book title for each book whose price is more than $10 or that was published in Boston. Create two different queries using a JOIN and then a UNION operator. 5 11. List the book code, book title, and units on hand for each book in branch number 2. Be sure each book is included, regardless of whether there are any copies of the book currently on hand in branch 2. Order the output by book code. 12. List the non-paperback books (paperback='N') for each book in branch 2. Include the book code, book title, and units on hand for each book. Be sure each non-paperback book is included, regardless of whether there are any copies of the book currently on hand in branch 2. Order the output by book code. 6
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