bussiness law question ASAP

timer Asked: Dec 23rd, 2014

Question Description

The Soda Company manufactures bottles to contain carbonated beverages. They have invested millions of dollars to provide the most state-of-the-art bottling facility the world has ever seen. And their QA process is unmatched. The Soda Company takes every precaution to ensure that it’s bottles are of the highest quality. One day Cody buys a bottle of soda with a bottle manufactured by the Soda Company. The bottle was not substantially changed from the time of manufacture to the purchase. As soon as
Cody opens the bottle, it explodes in his hand causing lacerations. Cody sues for negligence. Will he recover? Be sure to list and apply the elements of negligence to this case.

Same facts as above except that Cody sues under a strict product liability theory. Will Cody recover under strict product liability? Be sure to list and apply the elements of strict product liability to this case.

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