Help Refugee Introduction Essay.

timer Asked: Jan 4th, 2015

Question Description

How do many refugees like Ha turn inside out when fleeing their home country ? 

Write introduction,body paragraph 1 and 2, a conclusion based the novel inside out and back again by Thannha Lai.

Here the instruction follow it please.Blue Link 

Essay-Resource-Packet-Revised (3).doc 


Now Help I need to write better own introduction high level writer

Blue Link Example Introduction of my teacher

Introducing who refugee are

Background information about what happens  to refugees when they flee their home

connecting refugees to the phrase inside out

Introducing Inside out and back again by Thanhha Lai based novel

Introducing  the character who essay will focus on

Explaning how war impacted the character

Thesis/Claim/Main Idea Sentence 

Now Help I need to write better own Body Paragraph 1 Elements high level writer 

Blue Link Example Introduction of my teacher

Topic Sentence

One piece of evidence from the informational text that supports your topic sentence.

Second Piece of Evidence from the informational text that supports your topic sentence

One piece of evidence from the novel that connects to the informational text evidence from Inside out and back again by Thannhai Lai

Second piece evidence from the novel that connects to the informational text evidence from Inside out and back again by Thannhai Lai

Concluding Sentence of the paragraph writing

it about refugee and inside out and back again novel.

Finish body paragraph 1

 body paragraph 2 same elements.

Topic Sentence

One piece of evidence from the informational text that supports your topic sentence.

Second Piece of Evidence from the informational text that supports your topic sentence

One piece of evidence from the novel that connects to the informational text evidence from Inside out and back again by Thannhai Lai

Second piece evidence from the novel that connects to the informational text evidence from Inside out and back again by Thannhai Lai

PIXECT-20150102190212.jpg blue link example from my teacher for body paragraph 2

Final Conclusion PIXECT-20150102190408.jpg 

Restating the most common problems all refugee's face

Using evidence from an informational text to support the restatement

Explaining the evidence stated in the previous statement

Connecting the novel to the restatement sentence

Concluding sentence.

All four paragraph introduction,body paragrpah 1 and 2 and conclusion.

High level writer of this essay based the novel  inside out and back again and refugee.

USE THAT LINK FILE HELP ESSAY PLAN Essay-Resource-Packet-Revised (3).doc

Information TEXT evidence list for the essay list


refugees who where why by catherine gevert

Refugee and Immigrant Children: A Comparison

Include Inside Out and Back Again the novel.

DON'T find anything only four text and one novel for evidence

Make better please hand it by JAN 4 2015 send files fast.

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