english questions..........

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1.)Which answer best describes an element of a critique?
1. may contain factual information, but focuses on an opinion
 2.may contain an opinion, but focuses on factual information
3. agrees with the majority opinion of its topic
 4.disagrees with the majority opinion of its topic

2.)  Which answer best describes an element of a critique?
1. balances praise with criticisms
 2.features more criticisms than praise
 3.features more praise than criticisms
 4.uses praise and criticisms to support its purpose

3.) What is one difference between a critique and a summary?
1. A summary often contains a critique.
2. A critique always contains a summary.
 3.A summary is based off another passage of writing.
 4.A critique is based off another passage of writing.

4.) What is the most accurate comparison of a critique and a summary?
 1.Both pieces are based on opinions.
 2.Both pieces contain the opinions of their authors.
 3.Both pieces contain the original ideas of their authors.
 4.Both pieces stem from other pieces of writing or creative works.

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